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MY PITCH OIS GOOD of Emmanuel Brault – Co-Founder of

Emmanuel Brault is passionate about bike travel, he is the co-founder of HEXPLO, a 100% friendly platform that allows you to organize your bike trip according to your interests.

This start-up was selected by the jury and Emmanuel was present in Paris at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE to pitch their value proposition and find funding


Here there is his interview :



Hello, my name is Emmanuel, I am 23 years old, and I am the co-founder of HEXPLO.

In life, I am passionate about traveling by bike, and I am convinced that tomorrow, everyone will travel by bike.

So I created HEXPLO to democratize this absolutely fabulous way of traveling that combines adventure, encounters, discoveries and that is very respectful of the environment.

What is HEXPLO  ?


HEXPLO, concretely, it is the platform of the bicycle trip.

It’s a website, on which you can create a route between 2 places and around this route, you can add several things like places of interest or accommodations.

The idea is that you add each time an accommodation or a place of interest and it recalculates the route.

So really, a travel planning tool. It’s the first brick in an ecosystem

that we are creating.

An ecosystem of bicycle travel that is intended to support the community of bicycle travelers

on our ecosystem with a web platform and a mobile application.


What are your needs ?


This platform, this first version, was launched 5 months ago. There was a craze at the time of the launch with more than 55,000 people who went on the site, and the first euros of turnover.

Following this launch, we decided to grow, so we had to accelerate our development a little, so we raised funds. We are in the process of raising 300,000 euros, to become the reference for bicycle touring in Europe and to unpack a product roadmap to achieve the ecosystem I was talking about before. The trip planner already exists.

We’re going to improve it so that it can respond to neophytes. That is, people who don’t know how to travel by bike.

They need to come to HEXPLO and find what they need. How do I equip myself? Where can I go depending on my level and the time I have?

Finally, that bike travelers can share their trip, that there is really a social ecosystem on which people share their adventures.



“HEXPLO, the platform for travel by bike”

Le site du voyage à vélo


How was you day at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE ?


I think it’s really nice, it’s very natural.

And maybe it’s the golf world that allows it, but I found it very …. Just natural, the way people introduce themselves, talk easily, take an interest, and I thought it was really great, so the experience is to be repeated.




I’m going to have to take up golf, I’ve been made to want to play golf, and that’s a first!


Interview made at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE of Paris by Fabrice Clément at golf de l’Isle Adam

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