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Kolibri Golf - My pitch is good Interview - Antoine Deslandes

Antoine Deslandes, co-founder of KOLIBRI Golf

Golf is often seen as a sport reserved for professionals. Kolibri is changing this by inviting the 95% of non-professional golfers to enjoy the game. Kolibri is more than a start-up; it’s a revolution aimed at making golf accessible, entertaining and interactive for all. Kolibri’s mission is clear: to restore the driving range to its former glory by exploiting its interactive potential. Kolibri’s software and system are not only high-tech, but also elegantly simple. The emphasis on simplicity is deliberate, ensuring that users of all ages and backgrounds can effortlessly navigate the technology without feeling overwhelmed.

Kolibri Golf: accessible to all ages?

Kolibri’s commitment to inclusivity is evident in its user-friendly 3-click interface. In just three clicks, any age group can dive into a world of golfing fun. No prior experience necessary. The aim is to bridge the generation gap, enabling those who may not have grown up with a tablet or computer in hand to easily embrace the wonders of technology.

Kolibri Golf, reinventing the driving range

Kolibri transforms the mundane experience of the driving range into a unique and captivating adventure. The multiplayer mode opens the door to afterworks, events and competitions, breathing new life into the golfing community. It’s not just about hitting balls; it’s about turning your warm-up session into an interactive game, tracking your progress and enjoying golf in a way that transcends the conventional.

High-Tech Tools for Every Golfer

One of Kolibri’s hallmarks is its commitment to providing high-tech tools suitable for all categories of golfer. The simplified design ensures that even those unfamiliar with the intricacies of golf can dive in and start playing. Kolibri’s tools are not exclusive; they’re for anyone who wants to train, have fun and experience golf in a new light.

Here is his interview (in french) :

My Pitch Is Good by Antoine Deslandes – co-founder of Kolibri Golf


What is KOLOBRI?

Kolibri is designed for the 95% of golfers who are not professionals and who want to have fun. We’ve designed a software and a system that’s simple and beautiful – we hope so, anyway – but so that everyone can find something to their liking. You don’t need to know how to play golf to have fun with the Kolibri system, with our machine. The idea behind Kolibri is also to make it simple to use. Our system works with a 3-click interface. In other words, in just 3 clicks, you can access all the functions. We wanted to keep the number of functions as low as possible, so that everyone, from 7-year-olds to 87-year-olds, could find their way around, without having to have grown up with a tablet or a computer on their lap, and with the simplest possible access to technology.

What will the next Kolibri Golf fundraiser be used for?

We have 2 priorities: we install our machines, which are quite expensive, since they’re quite sophisticated terminals for a price that’s derisory for golf courses. And so, with each new customer, each new golf course that works with us. We’re investing money, and so we need help today to be able to take on as many new golf courses as possible. The second is to work on future functionalities and connectivity for our machines. To be able to pick up your training where you left off. Show your buddy your best drive and your best shot. Additional functionalities. Finally, expanding the possibilities for Kolibri to sell additional services for golfers.

What’s the day like at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE?

It’s a superb, well-mixed experience! I was really pleasantly surprised to meet investors, entrepreneurs, people from all sorts of backgrounds, including lawyers, … a whole bunch of different worlds in an environment that is still magnificent. I got a pocket full of business cards and I encourage everyone to come and try this experience.

Interview conducted at the START-UP GOLF CHALLENGE in Paris by Fabrice Clément at Golf de l’Isle Adam.

Find out more : Kolibri

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